Four of those holes are MINE!
Of course, I can't quite remember which four of those holes are mine but I know I had a nice triangular grouping, not on the edge, in the last round of shooting. Woohoo!
Oh. And by the way, the quiver worked very well and I'm pretty sure it helped. The said it was important to leave your feet in place and approach the shot the same way each time so I could figure out what to adjust to improve my aim. The quiver means I don't have to scramble around on the ground for my arrows and lets me stay focused. :)
And Clarence used the bow Jessi lent me and it works! I'll have to build up some muscle before it will work well for me, but it is so nice to have at least one bow to bring to the local shoot. Now I just need to get my arrows tipped...
Yep. Hooked. They even have us talking about getting war points at Pennsic!