Or at least that wonderful draped overskirt and the overall effect of the striped underskirt with matching striped accents in the balance of the dress.
I recently found the most wonderful striped fabric (on e-bay, of course. I think that's that place to shop when you live in the fabric-less wilds of middle America) and am now embarking on my own outfit with a striped underskirt, asymmetrically draped over-skirt, and bodice with matching accents. I've collected several related outfits from the mid 1880's on a Pinterest board and after consideration I have decided to go with seperates--partly to make a more flexible wardrobe, and partly because I have yet to purchase a coordinating solid fabric--so I'll be making a skirt and waistcoat from the stripe, for starters. I'm basting hems into the yardage tonight and prewashing. such a good girl I am!