Monday, May 9, 2011

Ok, I admit it, I'm getting scared

I almost have a tent and so I'm at that phase where all I do is worry about all the things which could go wrong with it...and start other projects!

Must sew tent. Must sew tent. MUST SEW TENT!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I'm just not feeling well

Nothing exciting. I'm just a bit ill, and sleepy, and not very chatty.

We hope to back to the regular program soon.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The world keeps spinning...

Whether we notice or not!

Many years ago I developed an interest in chopines (an ancient Italian form of platform shoe) and did all the research I could think of on-line, bought one of the few books with a section on the subject, bought some supplies for a trial pair I was going to make "someday" and the whole concept has pretty much been encased in resin in my mind for years!

And then came today.

Today I was looking about for examples of extant hairpins and ended up being lead to this:

Which may just be the holy grail of websites on "Chopine, Zoccolo, and Other Raised Heel and High Heel Construction."

I'm planning on attempting a pair of chopines for my IRCC outfit. Let me tell you, they are going to be a lot better now!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

OK, I said I was distracted...

But at least I'm working on something!

I'm detailing the progress of my challange dress on the "What Holds Breasts Up?" page but here is a peek at what I've been up to:

Red and White Spiral Sleeves in Progress

Sunday, April 24, 2011

4/24/2011 and we have dragons!

Aren't they cool?

Not even pinned down at the moment, but since the green man's body, arms and all the greenery below his hands *are* sewn on I'm not complaining.

I still need to attach his head, and all the dragon/greenery parts above the hands, then do the outlining and detailing in couched thread (black) as in the bottom section of the pavilion. Maybe another week or two of work since I currently quite distracted by the Italian Ren. Costuming Challenge. Which I am off to work on now (Red and white trapunto sleeves, here I come!)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Blog ate my post!

Weep with me.

Somehow, while I was editing the "What Holds Breasts Up?" page last night, Blogger ate 2 1/2 of my posts!

They were someting about elfin magic...the Italian Renaissence Costuming Challenge...Bella's site "The Realm of Venus"...and pointers from the universe.

Blaaa! Bad Blogger!

(In other news I started attaching the applique pieces to the roof last night. That went considerably beter. :) )