Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Now that I am over my fit of temper

I'll admit that the doublet is coming together really easily. I'm following advice I read in a pattern review on the Internet and using my usual method of garment assembly rather than the pattern instructions but I've been following along with them so far and aside from my deciding to stay-stich the curves, interline the collar, and line the entire doublet...we're pretty parallel.

I hope to be putting it all together tomorrow.

Since I am recovered from my earlier upset, I feel I should also mention that the pattern I purchased has a copyright date of 1986. It's possible that there is a later, improved version.


Now I see what they mean...

Having recently aquired a husband I've discovered I also aquired a costuming challenge, to wit, sewing garb for a man. A pretty skinny man. And he is going for about 1470!

It's really amazing how mystified I feel about pattern drafting in this new realm where all my skills at late period garb for fat girls just gets chucked out the window.

So I decided to buy a pattern. To be specific, I've bought Period Pattern's #43 "Mens Italian Renaissance Garments c. 1420 - 1500" and, eeep!

My overwheling feeling is aggravation and disappointment that the pattern maker seems to have been too cheap or to stupid to do really basic things--like define what measurements are being used to define each size, and/or number the pages of the documentation/'instructions' so you can tell what order you are supposed read the sections in.

Come on, what pattern doesn't include a basic size chart!

I was prepared for bad sewing instructions, but this is really inexcusable.


Luckily, I *do* sew quite a bit and I think I can figure out the assembly. It was the shaping I was being squeemish about. My love currently has almost nothing to wear to Pennsic (not entirely bad... ;) ) but I hope to change that situation soon. I'm currently working on a linen mock-up of doublet #1 and keeping my fingers crossed.

I'll keep you posted!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ok, I admit it, I'm getting scared

I almost have a tent and so I'm at that phase where all I do is worry about all the things which could go wrong with it...and start other projects!

Must sew tent. Must sew tent. MUST SEW TENT!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I'm just not feeling well

Nothing exciting. I'm just a bit ill, and sleepy, and not very chatty.

We hope to back to the regular program soon.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The world keeps spinning...

Whether we notice or not!

Many years ago I developed an interest in chopines (an ancient Italian form of platform shoe) and did all the research I could think of on-line, bought one of the few books with a section on the subject, bought some supplies for a trial pair I was going to make "someday" and the whole concept has pretty much been encased in resin in my mind for years!

And then came today.

Today I was looking about for examples of extant hairpins and ended up being lead to this:

Which may just be the holy grail of websites on "Chopine, Zoccolo, and Other Raised Heel and High Heel Construction."

I'm planning on attempting a pair of chopines for my IRCC outfit. Let me tell you, they are going to be a lot better now!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

OK, I said I was distracted...

But at least I'm working on something!

I'm detailing the progress of my challange dress on the "What Holds Breasts Up?" page but here is a peek at what I've been up to:

Red and White Spiral Sleeves in Progress