Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fear Not! I am still working!

Real life has intruded quite a bit lately but I'm taking just a moment to show you my progress on my IRCC loose gown's hanging sleeve.

And, if anyone is interested in 1880's clothing I now have boards for my inspiration for Teslacon outfits on Pinterest.


  1. I'm so impressed that you keep working on one project in teeny tiny detail. I get bored far to easily and flit off to something else, leaving a pile of unfinished things in my wake. You inspired me to go back and work on the frustrating couching for my cappotto. Someday I'll finish it. Probably.

  2. Thanks Hastings!

    I have to admit I've started work on a couple other things when I just couldn't stand looking at any more gold trim. :) you have all my sympathy with your crouching project. I'm sure it's going to be stunning!
