Friday, June 10, 2011

Fizzing with Anticipation!

The paperwork to register Boen's and Aurora's names and devices was sent in a while ago, improved, and entered into the record of the AEthelmearc Internal Letter of Intent AE136 on May 1, 2011. The commentary was due at the beginning of June and the publication of it's progress thru this stage of the acceptance process could happen any time now...I can hardly wait!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Oh my gosh!

Did you see this lace for sale on e-bay?

So amazing...and just what I need! Now where did I leave that spare stash of cash......

As I tell myself, often, it's good to want.

(Which means I'm being *very* good indeed.)

Part #2

I'm having an interesting e-bay day. Doesn't this look like a partlet to you?

Out of period, I know. And it looks like it closes at the back. Still, it's giving me some ideas to work with if I find the flat partlet I'm envisioning doesn't work for me.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011's time to face facts!

Fact #1 - It's June. It's already JUNE! Since I need to have a working pavillion, I need to get my butt back in gear and finish the tent.

Fact #2 - I also need to finish quite a lot of stuff for the encampment, the folding table with its chains, the savonarola chairs, the chandeliers...

Fact #3 - Ditto the wardrobes for both Boen and I. Much needs to be done. So why oh why am I suddenly contemplating dong the lace for the collar and sleeves of my IRCC camicia in Punto en Aria? Really, WHY!

I'm starting to wander towards the conclusion that...

Fact(?) #4 - I might be crazy!

But oh the two inspiration patterns I found are *so* pretty...and all the local lace is dreck...and really, how much harder can it be than crochet?

(Such a silly, silly girl. Sad really.... (Walking away shaking head...) )

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Only 57 million more steps to go...

still, I'm making progress!

The flower forms are attached on the first two rows of my IRCC under/skirt.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Tasty Nibble #3

The progress on my IRCC camicia

Details on the "What holds breasts up?" page

Boen's Doublet Pictures as Promised

Isn't he just...yummy?

So, this is pattern #43-Boen's doublet #2. I decided to close it with hooks and eyes so I could actually have a finished, wearable doublet--at last.

I'm surprisingly happy with the finished result (just look at him :) ) but I've also learned a very valuable thing--having a PICTURE to look at really helps Boen and I evaluate and discuss his wardrobe. It turns out that we agree about the issues in the fit of this doublet--loo long in the waist, too loose in the peplum (the part below the waist) especially at the back, and the sleeves just aren't right...

But it's quite a start, I think.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Progress report

Boen's (Clarence) second doublet all hemmed - done.

Boen's third doublet has become a jerkin instead--due to lack of fabric--but it is all cut out and mostly stitched together and pretty pretty pretty. He's well on his way to having a wardrobe!