Saturday, February 19, 2011


A link to a site which has captured my imagination, answered my questions, and beguiled my time on many occasions...

Support disk after conservation

It is the diary of the Deutsches Historisches Museum conservators restoration of a Turkish tent captured in 1683. (But dated earlier as I remember.) The links on the left go to German text, the ones on the right are in English.

Absolutely beautiful!

More importantly it is full of details on the materials, construction, conservation and erection of the pavilion.

And, as I said, absolutely beautiful!


  1. Thank you so much for posting this. I am currently trying to make a 14th century Timurid Disked bell tent. This photo diary has the clearest shot of the roof system I have yet to see. Awesome.

  2. Thank you, Your Ladyship. I had hoped that it would be useful to someone, but I never dreamed that it would be you!

    Thank *you* for all the amazing work you do, and your genorosity and dilligence it posting it to the web. I've only recently found your site (about 3 months ago) but I am a devoted fan and avid reader...and a little speechless at the moment...


    (OMG! Mary Ostler! Mary Ostler wrote to *me*! OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!)
