Monday, January 2, 2012

The partlet is starting to come together

As you can see, I have begun attaching the lacis squares together to create my first partlet. I'd been thinking that if I only stitched the squares around the neck opening 1/2-way it would make a good neckline and the beginnings of a standing collar. I still like the concept but this picture shows me that I will need to close the seams a good bit further to get the fit I'd like. Maybe 3/4's of the way...?

I like it that the shoulder squares will clearly provide plenty of coverage down into the sleeve of my gowns...not so sure about a single square providing enough depth to the back of the partlet but I think I'll need to get the neckline fitted before I know if I'll need to add another row to the back (rather than just squaring it off as I had planned.)

My new quandary is the transparency question. This is clearly a racier style but I'm beginning to wonder if it is racier than I am comfortable with. I feel a lot naked-er in the lace than I expected. After some pondering I've come to suspect that my cafe-au-lait skin tone provides so much contrast to the lace that it screams "she's naked under here!" while the portraits I was inspired by (which are all of women with much lighter completions) merely hint at it.

I'm planning to continue on the partlet and see how I feel when it is finished and part of a complete ensemble. If it turns out that I am just too modern to wear it with a 1590's bodice I can always wear it with a gown with more fabric to the bodice, but I notice that the photos don't actually look nearly as naked as I feel...interesting.


  1. It's starting to look really interesting. The photos do look pretty covered, but I totally get the modern sensibilities thing and comfort level. I always feel so weird in a knee length skirt and am certain I'm going to flash someone. My next planneddress project is one of the lower/underbust styles and the more I look at it the more I wonder. I know part of it is that the ideal at the time had much smaller cups and I'm not certain I can manage it. I can't wait to see how this partlet turns out.

  2. Perhaps when you finish assembling it, you could try lining it with a silk organza? The extra layer could match the lacis and give you a little more opacity, or match your skin tone for the racier look with less chance of mishap.

  3. Thanks you two!

    I'm thinking about making a seperate translucent underpartlet if necessary for support (whether physical or emotional) but I'm hoping I can get this one to work without it.

    A big factor for me is that I am always telling the men in my life that they should wear codpieces--which make them feel way too exposed--because they are correct, seemly and proper for the time. (Plus I like them. :))

    I always tell them that if they give codpieces a chance they will get used to wearing them and it won't seem so extreem.

    I feel like I should be prepared to practice what I preach!

    I can't wait to see you underbust dress, Hastings. Both because you do such nice work and because I'll like knowing there is another one being worn!

    Companionship makes me brave.
